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- Darnon, C., Sicard, A., Normand, A., & Martinot, D. (2024, in press). Academic Failure and Psychological Disengagement: Can Belief in School Meritocracy Make a Difference? Educational Psychology.
- Rudmann, O., Batruch, A., Visintin, E.P., Sommet, N., Bressoux, P., Darnon, C., Butera, F., & Consortium PROFAN (2024, in press). Cooperative Learning Reduces the Gender Gap in Perceived Social Competences. A Large-Scale Nationwide Longitudinal Experiment. Journal of Educational Psychology.
- van Noord, J., Kuppens, T., Spruyt, B., Kavadias, L., Darnon, C., & Marot, M. (2024, in press). Education-based affective attitudes: higher educated-bias is related to more political trust and less populism. Acta Politica.
- Goudeau, S., Stephens, N. M., Markus, H. R., Darnon, C., Croizet, J. C., & Cimpian, A. (2024, in press). What causes social class disparities in education? The role of the mismatches between academic contexts and working-class socialization contexts and how the effects of these mismatches are explained. Psychological Review.
- Combette, L., Rotgé, J.Y., Darnon, C., & Schmidt, L. (2024, in press). Delivering interventions to teachers as an efficient way to leverage the impact of mindset interventions. Social Psychology of Education.
- Butera, F., Dompnier, B., & Darnon, C. (2023). Achievement goals: A social influence cycle. Annual Review of Psychology, 75.
- Darnon, C., Jury, M., Goudeau, S., & Portex, M. (2023). Competitive and Cooperative practices in education: How teachers’ beliefs in school meritocracy are related to their daily practices with students. Social Psychology of Education.
- Batruch, A., Jetten, J., Van de Werfhorst, H., Darnon, C., & Butera, F. (2023). Belief in School Meritocracy and the Legitimization of Social and Income Inequality. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 14(5), 621–635.
- Aelenei, C., Jury, M., Darnon, C., Sicard, A., Maggio, S., & Martinot, D. (2023). Self-enhancement Values and Academic Achievement: An Interaction with Students’ Parental Level of Education and Gender? British Journal of Educational Psychology, 93(2), 626–640.
- Auger, V., Normand, A., & Darnon, C. (2022). Avoir peu (ou beaucoup) d’argent dans une société (in)égalitaire : conséquences psychologiques et comportementales.
- Stanczak, A., Darnon, C., Robert, A., Demolliens, M., Sanrey, C., Bressoux, P., Huguet, P., Buchs, C., Butera, F., & consortium PROFAN (2022). Do Jigsaw classrooms improve learning outcomes? Five experiments and an internal meta-analysis. Journal of Educational Psychology.114(6), 1461–1476.
- Normand, A., Marot, M., & Darnon, C. (2022). Economic Insecurity and Compliance to the COVID-19 Restrictions. European Journal of Social Psychology, 52(3), 448-456.
- Darnon, C., Sommet, N., Normand, A., Stanczak, A., & Désert, M. (2022). Orientation Politique et Soutien à l’Innovation Pédagogique : Qui Sont les Plus Réfractaires ? / Political Orientation and Support for Pedagogical Innovation: Who Resist the Most? L’Année Psychologique / Topics in Cognitive Psychology, 122, 231-246.
- Sanrey, C., Goudeau, S., Stanczak, A., & Darnon, C. (2021). A two-sided lockdown? Social class variations in the implementation of homeschooling during the COVID-19 lockdown. Frontiers in Psychology.
- Goudeau, S., Sanrey, C., Stanczak, A., Manstead, A., & Darnon, C. (2021). Why lockdown and distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic are likely to increase the social class achievement gap. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1273–1281.
- Lamotte, M., Izaute, M., & Darnon, C. (2021) Can tests improve learning in real university classrooms? Journal of Cognitive Psychology.
- Smeding, A., Dompnier, B., Meier, E., Darnon, C., & Butera, F. (2021). A multilevel account of social value-related reasons behind mastery goals. British Journal of Educational Psychology, e12453. Advance online publication.
- Sicard, A., Redersdorff, S., Darnon, C., & Martinot, D. (2021) Dealing with a crisis: does covid-19 promote traditional gender roles? Psychologica Belgica, 61(1), 212-223.
- Darnon, C., & Fayol, M. (2021). Can an early mathematical intervention boost the progress of children in kindergarten? A field experiment. European Journal of Psychology of Education.
- Sicard, A., Martinot, D., Toczek, M.C., Pironom, J., & Darnon, C. (2021) Turning the gender tables: evidence of students’ awareness of a reversal in gender status between academic and occupational contexts. Social Psychology of Education 24(1), 247-272.
- Sanrey, C., Stanczak, A., Goudeau, S., & Darnon, C. (2020). Confinement et école à la maison : l’illusion de la solution numérique. Psychologie & Éducation, 2, 31-44.
- Bruno, A., Toczek-Capelle, M.C., & Darnon, C. (2020). Facing the Risk of Upward Mobility: Performance-avoidance goals and social class among high-school students. Journal of Social Psychology, 160(4), 496-508.
- Aelenei, C., Martinot, D., Sicard, A., & Darnon, C. (2020). When an academic culture based on self-enhancement values undermines female students’ sense of belonging, self-efficacy, and academic choices. Journal of Social Psychology, 160(3), 373-389,
- Crouzevialle, M., Darnon, C. (2019). On the academic disadvantage of low social class individuals: Pursuing performance goals fosters the emergence of the achievement gap. Journal of Educational Psychology, 111(7), 1261–1272.
- Bruno, A., Jury, M., Toczek-Capelle, M.-C., & Darnon, C. (2019). Are Performance-Avoidance Goals Always Deleterious for Academic Achievement in College? The Moderating Role of Social Class. Social Psychology of Education, 22(3), 539–555.
- Jury, M., Aelenei, C., Chen, C., Darnon, C., & Elliot, A. (2019). Examining the Role of Perceived Prestige in the Link Between Students’ Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Sense of Belonging. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 22(3), 356-370.
- Butera, F., Sommet, N., & Darnon, C. (2019). Socio-cognitive conflict regulation: How to make sense of diverging ideas. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28(2),145-151.
- Jury, M., Quiamzade, A., Darnon, C., & Mugny, G. (2019). Higher and lower status individuals’ performance goals: The role of hierarchy stability. Motivation Science,5(1), 52-65.
- Jury, M., Bruno, A., & Darnon, C. (2018). Doing Better (or Worse) than One’s Parents: Social Status, Mobility and Performance-avoidance Goals. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 88(4), 659-674.
- Darnon, C., Smeding, A., & Redersdorff, S. (2018). Belief in school meritocracy as an ideological barrier to the promotion of equality. European Journal of Social Psychology, 48(4), 523-534.
- Darnon, C., Jury, M., & Aelenei, C. (2018). Who benefits from mastery-approach and performance-approach goals in college? Students’ social class as a moderator of the link between goals and grade. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 33(4), 713-726.
- Darnon, C., Wiederkehr, V., Dompnier, B., & Martinot, D. (2018). « Where there is a will, there is a way »: Belief in School Meritocracy and the social-class achievement gap. British Journal of Social Psychology, 57, 250–262.
- Smeding, A., Dompnier, B., & Darnon, C. (2017). Individual differences in perceived social desirability of openness to experience: A new framework for social desirability responding in personality research. Personality and Individual Differences, 113 (15), 155-160.
- Jury, M., Smeding, A., Stephens, N. M., Nelson, J., Aelenei, C., & Darnon, C. (2017). The experience of Low-SES students in higher education: Psychological barriers to success and interventions to reduce social-class inequality. Journal of Social Issues, 73(1), 16-34.
- Aelenei, C., Darnon, C., & Martinot, D. (2017). Boys, girls and the school cultural environment: Teachers’ judgment and students’ values. The Journal of Social Psychology, 157 (5), 556-570.
- Cohen-Laloum, J., Mollaret, P., & Darnon, C. (2017). Distinguishing the desire to learn from the desire to perform: the social value of achievement goals. The Journal of Social Psychology, 157(1), 30-46.
- Jury, M., Darnon, C., & Dompnier, B., & Butera, F. (2017). The social utility of performance-approach goals in a selective educational environment. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal, 20 (1), 215–235.
- Aelenei, C., Darnon, C., & Martinot, D. (2016). When school and family convey different cultural messages: The experience of Turkish minority group members in France. Psychologica Belgica, 56 (2), 111–117,
- Buchs, C., Wiederkehr, V., Filippou, D., Sommet, N., & Darnon, C. (2015). Structured Cooperative Learning as a Means for Improving Average Achievers’ Mathematical Learning in Fractions. Teaching Innovations, 28, 15–35.
- Smeding A., Dompnier B., Meier E., Darnon C., Baumberger B., Butera F. (2015). The motivation to learn as a self-presentation tool among Swiss high school students: The moderating role of mastery goals’ perceived social value on learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 43, 204-210.
- Dompnier B., Darnon C., Meier E., Brandner C., Smeding A., Butera F. (2015). Improving low achievers’ academic performance at university by changing the social value of mastery goals. American Educational Research Journal, 52, 720-749.
- Wiederkehr, V., Bonnot, V., Krauth-Gruber, S., & Darnon, C. (2015). Belief in School Meritocracy as a System-justifying Tool for Low Status Students. Frontiers in Pyschology, 6: 1053.
- Jury, M., Smeding, A., & Darnon, C. (2015). Competing with oneself or with others: Achievement goal endorsement in amateur golf competition. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 46 (3), 258-273.
- Jury, M., Smeding, A., & Darnon, C. (2015). First-generation students’ underperformance at university: the impact of the function of selection. Frontiers in Pyschology, 6: 710
- Wiederkehr, V., Darnon, C., Chazal, S., Guimond, S., & Martinot, D. (2015). From Social Class to Self-Efficacy: Internalization of Low Social Status Pupils’ School Performance. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal.
- Smeding, A., Darnon, C., & Van Yperen, N. W. (2015). Why do high working memory individuals choke?: An examination of choking under pressure effects in math from a self-improvement perspective. Learning and Individual Differences, 37, 176-182.
- Sommet, N., Darnon, C., & Butera, F. (2015). To confirm or to conform? Performance goals as a regulator of conflict with more competent others. Journal of Educational Psychology, 107(2), 580-598.
- Jury, M., Smeding, A., Court, M., & Darnon, C. (2015). When first-generation students succeed at university: On the link between social class, academic performance, and performance-avoidance goals. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 41 25-36.
- Sommet N., Darnon C., Mugny G., Quiamzade A., Pulfrey C., Dompnier B., Butera F. (2014). Performance goals in conflictual social interactions: Toward the distinction between two modes of relational conflict regulation. British Journal of Social Psychology, 53, 134-153.
- Souchal, C., Toczek, M.-C., Darnon, C., Butera, F. & Martinot, D. (2014). Assessing does not mean threatening: Assessment as a key determinant of girls’ and boys’ performance in a science class. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 84, 125–136.
- Dompnier, B., Darnon C.& Butera F. (2013). When performance-approach goals predict academic achievement and when they do not: A social value approach. British Journal of Social Psychology, 52, 587-596
- Poortvliet, P. M. & Darnon, C. (2013). Understanding Positive Attitudes toward Helping Peers: The Role of Mastery Goals and Academic Self-Efficacy. Self & Identity, 13, 345-363.
- Smeding, A., Darnon, C., Souchal, C., Toczek-Capelle, M. C., & Butera, F. (2013). Reducing the socio-economic status achievement gap at University by promoting mastery-oriented assessment. Plos One, 8, 1-6
- Pulfrey, C., Darnon, C. & Butera, F. (2013). Autonomy and task performance: Explaining the impact of grades on intrinsic motivation. Journal of Educational Psychology. 105(1),39-57.
- Chazal, S., Guimond, S., & Darnon, C. (2012). Personal self and collective self: When academic choices depend on the context of social comparison. Social Psychology of Education: An International Journal. 15(4), 449-463. DOI 10.1007/s11218-012-9199-x
- Darnon, C., Dompnier, B., Poortvliet, M. (2012). Achievement goals in educational contexts. A social psychology perspective. Social & Personality Psychology Compass, 6/10, 760–771, 10.1111/j.1751-9004.2012.00457.x.
- Darnon, C., Buchs, C., Desbar, D. (2012). The jigsaw technique and self-efficacy of vocational training students: a practice report. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 27,439–449, DOI 10.1007/s10212-011-0091-4.
- Poortvliet, P. M., & Darnon, C. (2010). Towards a more social understanding of achievement goals: The interpersonal effects of mastery and performance goals. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 19, 324-328.
- Darnon, C., Dompnier, B., Gilliéron, O., & Butera, F. (2010). The interplay of mastery and performance goals in social comparison: A multiple goal perspective. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102, 212-222.
- Dambrun, M., & Darnon, C. (2009). Individualisme et collectivisme dans les pratiques éducatives: Le ying et le yang? Diversité, 157, 60-68.
- Dompnier, B., Darnon, C., & Butera, F. (2009). Faking the desire to learn: A clarification of the link between mastery goals and academic achievement. Psychological Science, 20, 939-943.
- Darnon, C., Dompnier, B., Delmas, F., Pulfrey, C., & Butera, F. (2009). Achievement goal promotion at University: Social desirability and social utility of mastery and performance goals. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 96, 119-134.
- Darnon, C., Butera, F., Mugny, G., Quiamzade, A., Hulleman, C.S. (2009). “Too complex for me!” Why do performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals predict exam performance? European Journal of Psychology of Education, 24, 423-434.
- Quiamzade, A., Mugny, G., & Darnon, C. (2009). The coordination of problem solving strategies: When low competence sources exert more influence on task processing than high competence sources. British Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 159182.×311721
- Buchs, C., Darnon, C., Quiamzade, A., Mugny, G., & Butera, F. (2008). Conflits et apprentissage. Régulation des conflits sociocognitifs et apprentissage. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 163, 105-125.
- Darnon, C., Butera, F., & Harackiewicz, J.M. (2008). Toward a clarification of the effects of achievement goals. International Review of Social Psychology, 21, 5-18.
- Dompnier, B., Darnon, C., Delmas, F., & Butera, F. (2008). Achievement goals and social judgment: The performance-approach goals paradox. International Review of Social Psychology, 21, 247-271.
- Darnon, C., Harackiewicz, J. M., Butera, F., Mugny, G. & Quiamzade, A. (2007). Performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals: When uncertainty makes a difference. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 33, 813-827.
- Darnon, C., & Butera, F. (2007). Learning or succeeding? Conflict regulation with mastery or performance goals. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 66,145-152.
- Darnon, C., Doll, S. & Butera, F. (2007). Dealing with a disagreeing partner: Relational and epistemic conflict elaboration. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 22, 227-242.
- Darnon, C. & Butera, F., & Harackiewicz, J. M. (2007). Achievement goals in social interactions: Learning with mastery vs. performance goals. Motivation and Emotion, 31, 61-70.
- Darnon, C., Muller, D., Schrager, S.M., Pannuzzo, N., & Butera, F. (2006). Mastery and performance goals predict epistemic and relational conflict regulation. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98, 766-776.
- Darnon, C., Buchs, C. & Butera, F. (2006). Buts de performance et de maîtrise: La situation particulière de désaccord avec autrui. Revue Française de Pédagogie, 155, 35-44.
- Darnon, C. & Butera, F. (2005). Buts d’accomplissement, stratégies d’étude, et motivation intrinsèque: présentation d’un domaine de recherche et validation française de l’échelle d’Elliot et McGregor (2001). L’Année Psychologique, 105, 105-131.
- Buchs, C., Butera, F., Mugny, G., & Darnon, C. (2004). Conflict elaboration and cognitive outcomes. Theory Into Practice, 43, 23-30.
- Darnon, C., Buchs, C., & Butera, F. (2002). Epistemic and relational conflicts in sharing identical vs. complementary information during cooperative learning. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 61, 139-151.
Chapters / Chapitres
- Sicard, A., Martinot, D., & Darnon, C. (2021). Genre et scolarité : L’illusion d’une supériorité féminine. In Roskam, I., Casini, A., & Yzerbyt, V. (Eds.) Les psychologies du genre. Mardaga.
- Darnon, C. (2018). Psychologie des inégalités. In P. Savidan (Ed.) Dictionnaire des inégalités et de la justice sociale. Presses universitaires de France.
- Butera, F., & Darnon, C. (2017). Competence assessment, social comparison and conflict regulation. In A. Elliot, C. Dweck & D. Yaeger (Eds). Handbook of Competence and Motivation (2nd Edition: Theory and Application). (pp. 192-213) New York: Guilford Press.
- Jury, M., Smeding, A., Aelenei, C., Wiederkehr, V., & Darnon, C. (2017). Réussir dans l’enseignement supérieur : un défi pour les plus défavorisés. In S. Caillaud, V. Bonnot & E. Drozda (Eds). Les menaces autrement. Rennes: Presses Universitaire de Rennes.
- Verniers C., Bonnot, V., Darnon, C., Dompnier, B., & Martinot, D. (2015). How gender stereotypes of academic abilities contribute to the maintenance of gender hierarchy in higher education. In K. Faniko, F. Lorenzi-Cioldi, O. Sarrazin, & E. Major (Eds.). Men and women in social hierarchies. London: Routledge.
- Darnon, C., Butera, F. & Martinot, D. (2013). Psychologie sociale et éducation. In L. Bègue & O. Desrichard (Eds.), Traité de psychologie sociale. Bruxelles: De Boeck.
- Darnon, C., Smeding, A., Toczek, M.-C., & Souchal, C. (2011). L’évaluation comme outil de formation et/ou de sélection. In F. Butera, C. Buchs, & C. Darnon (Eds). L’évaluation, une menace ? (pp. 123-124) Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
- Butera, F., Darnon, C., & Mugny, G. (2010). Learning from conflict. In J. Jetten,& M. Hornsey (Eds.). Rebels in Groups: Dissent, deviance, difference and defiance (pp. 36-52). Oxford University Press.
- Darnon, C., Buchs, C., & Butera, F. (2006). Apprendre ensemble : but de performance et but de maîtrise au sein d’interactions sociales entre étudiants. In B. Galand & E. Bourgeois (Eds.), (Se) Motiver à apprendre (pp. 125-135). Paris: Presses universitaires de France.
- Butera, F., Darnon, C., Buchs, C., & Muller, D. (2006). Les méfaits de la compétition: comparaison sociale et focalisation dans l’apprentissage. In R.V. Joule & P. Huguet (Eds.) Bilans et Perspectives en Psychologie Sociale (pp. 15-44). Grenoble : Presses universitaires de Grenoble.
- Darnon, C., & Butera, F (2006). Conflit et climat de classe. In E. Bourgeois & G. Chapelle (Eds.), Apprendre et faire apprendre (pp. 169-181). Paris : Presses Universitaires de France.
Books and special issues / Ouvrages et numéros spéciaux
- Butera, F., Buchs, C., Darnon, C., (2011). L’évaluation, une menace ? Paris: Presses Universitaires de France.
- Darnon, C. Butera, F., & Mugny, G. (2008). Des conflits pour apprendre. Grenoble : Presses universitaires de Grenoble.
- Darnon, C., Butera, F., & Harackiewicz, J.M. (2008). Special issue on achievement goals. International Review of Social Psychology, 21.